“Those who have the arduous task of supporting young people in finding their own path have two objectives: to fill the minds of young people with knowledge but above all to give those minds guidance so that that knowledge is not wasted.”

Silvia Cardinali – HR Manager Videoworks

For some time now we have been collaborating closely with high schools and ITS in the area to bring the world of study closer to that of work, and above all to convey passion and motivate young people.

A cycle of meetings with fifth year students with a technical focus (IT / electronics / telecommunications) at the Videoworks and Itworks offices concludes. We would like to thank IIS Volterra Elia for having enthusiastically embraced this initiative of ours which accompanies students to discover first-hand how the skills acquired at school are applied in the working environment.

Furthermore, we will never tire of underlining how astonishing the employment data of the ITS, the post-diploma specialization courses, are: 90% of students find a job one year after graduating, half even before finishing their studies! It is precisely for this reason that we collaborate assiduously with tenacity and enthusiasm to make this extraordinary opportunity known to all young people!

A big thank you also to our colleagues from Videoworks and IT-Works who in recent weeks have accompanied the students to discover our companies, in the laboratories to discover the various phases of a project: from the idea to its realization!